Thursday, January 26, 2012

Philosophy of Code Geass: Do the ends justify the means?

It depends on the situation. Lets just say that you lie to a child to keep them safe, than the end justify the means. For example, my mother told my 2 year old brother that a monster lives in the attic so he wouldn’t go up there. True, she did the immoral thing and lied, but she had a good reason- keeping her child safe. There have been many cases of children going up into the attic and getting hurt.
            A time when the ends do not justify the means is revenge killing. Instead of settling things in a courtroom someone goes and kills the perpetrator because he doesn’t believe that the justice system doled out adequate punishment or loses control.
            The ties to Code Geass: Was Suzaku right in trying to bring peace by working within the system or was Lelouch way of terrorism the better course? I’m not condoning terrorism but Leouch way allowed him to change the world without being bogged down by rules, regulations, and procedures. It’s also a much faster way but that doesn’t change the fact that terrorism, no matter what the purpose, is immoral.
            That brings into question whether the Revolutionary War was the work of colonial terrorist? Let’s face it, the Boston Tea Party, The Declaration of Independence, and the many battles fought were all acts of terrorism but we still glorify it, making stories, movies, documentaries, statues, and even college courses solely based on the Revolutionary War.
            This begs the question, if freedom is the end, are causing public disturbances (eps. 4 The Orange Incident), killing solders and causing emotional harm to there families (eps. 13 Shirley and her Father), killing innocent people (eps. 23 Euphy), and assassinations (eps. 2 Clovis) justified? True, it created a better world with no oppression, but was the ends justified by the means?

Friday, January 20, 2012


          This blog is an English assignment. Instead of picking a topic something that I would get bored with within a couple of weeks, I decided to blog about something that I had a lot of interest in, anime. So I put aside any embarrassment I had for my love of anime and decided to come clean to the world. I love anime and nothing you say can change that!